Understanding The Process Of Irving Dental Implants: A Step-by-Step Guide

Missing teeth can cost you your confidence and impact how you smile on social occasions. However, thanks to the presence of dental implants, you no longer need to worry about broken, chipped, or lost teeth.
Implants have become the go-to option for individuals who want to avoid uncomfortable dentures. Or want to replace their missing tooth with a more natural alternative.
But is the dental implant procedureworth it? Let’s find out as we learn more about the procedure involved in dental implants. Continue reading as we examine the different stages of the operational procedure to give you a detailed insight into oral implants.
But, What Are These Tooth Implantation?
Dental implants are tiny screws or anchors surgically placed in your jawbone to replace lost or missing teeth. Although the process contains further steps that must be finished, the phrase “dental implant” often refers to the prosthetic roots inserted into your jaw to act like a natural tooth.
You can be an ideal candidate for implants on teethif you:
- Have a strong, healthy jawbone to sustain the implant.
- You don’t smoke or have illnesses that might prevent your body from healing.
- Take proper care of your teeth and gums to avoid future gum disease.
So now that we have an idea of what dental implants are about let’s look at the step-by-step approach to placing these oral appliances in the following section.
Step-By-Step Procedure For Placing Dental Implants
Stage I – Dental Consultation
The first stage of your implant procedure begins with a thorough consultation with professionals of Irving dental implants. During this stage, your dentist will examine your oral health and thoroughly analyze your medical and dental history. Based on the complexity of your oral health, you might also be required to opt for some X-rays and digital photos.
All these documents will later be used to analyze the health of your gums and whether dental implants are the best option for you. Following the consultation, your dentist will design a process of a tooth implantthat outlines the whole procedure and give you an estimated time to complete the procedure.
Stage II – Bone Grafting
While many patients have healthy, robust jaw bone for dental implant surgery, most don’t have enough healthy bone density to sustain an implant. These patients have had a missing tooth for a long time. You might become one of those individuals during an implants dental procedureif you’ve lost a tooth and did not replace it before a gap in your jawbone. Not replacing the lost tooth causes the jaw bone to disintegrate in the absence of tooth roots that stimulate it.
However, this does not stops you from undergoing the different steps involved in dental implant surgeries. If you successfully qualify for the other criteria of the implant procedure, your dentist will suggest bone grafting to promote the growth of jawbone.
Your requirement for dental implants will solely depend on your current bone density. If you need a minor transplant, finishing the procedure before placing your dental implant may be possible. In other cases, you will likely need a substantial bone transplant separately and wait a few months before your implant can be placed.
Stage III – Tooth Extraction & Placing The Implant
Sometimes, your affected tooth may continue to be a part of your jawbone. If you also have a similar condition, your Las Colinas dentist will need to extract it before they proceed with the next steps of the dental implant procedure.
Your dentist will place dental implants using a surgical procedure once they extract your tooth and there’s enough space. They will cut through your gum to access the jawbone below it. They will drill small holes in your jaw to place the dental implants, usually made from biocompatible materials like zirconia or titanium that they will screw into place. The procedure will be done under anesthesia.
After the placement, your dentist will suture the wound and give you the aftercare instructions. Remember, the implant requires a period of three to four months before its completely healed to proceed with the following stages. This stage, where the implant bonds with your jawbone, is known as osseointegration.
Stage IV – Fixing The Abutment
Once the tooth dentist implant is secure and your jawbone has healed completely after the last stage, it’s time to visit your dentist. At this stage, they’ll place an abutment in your jawbone via another surgical process.
During this implant placement phase, your dentist will reopen the surgical site to attach the abutments (extension pieces) to your dental implants. Once the site stitching is complete, you’ll need to undergo another healing period.
Stage V – Making Dental Crown
After completing the different stages of the dental implant procedure and allowing your oral cavity to heal completely, it’s time for the dentist to place a dental crown. As the name suggests, dental crowns are like the upper fix of natural teeth you wear until the permanent crown is complete.
Now You Know!
The dental implant procedureis fairly simple and helps you recover your lost smile. Now that you know the process, when will you visit your nearest implant expert?
Let Us Help You
At Gentle Dentistry Of Las Colinas, we bring you a group of experts in dental implant surgery. Our experts are the best for restoring your smile and enhancing your facial appeal. So wait no more; connect with our experts at 975-594-0022 to learn more about the procedure.